Start Your Nomad Life Now.

Living as full-time traveling nomads, whether you fast travel from country to country quickly, slowmad through the world one month at a time (or slower), or even if you’re an expat, the nomad life is its own unique lifestyle. From getting rid of all of your stuff, packing light, planning your trips, hacking your travel costs, housesitting dogs and cats, and hiking the world’s trails, to eating great food, we hope the information here will help you live your best nomad life as full-time travelers.

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Nomad Life To Do List

HI! We’re Steve and Chris.

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We left our corporate jobs, retired early, sold everything (and we mean every thing!), packed our two carry-on bags and hit the road. We’ve been traveling fulltime as nomads since May 2021 when we left our home in Denver, Colorado, USA.

  • We are a full-time traveling couple experiencing the world in our nomad life style.
  • We embrace our early retirement, adventuring through the world, eating healthy meals and hiking moderate trails as full-time travelers.
  • We live a nomadic lifestyle, house sit wonderful pets, enjoy plant-based foods, and add adventure to our lives daily

Learn more about us>>>

Nomad Life Videos (Weekly)

Be sure to catch our weekly youtube episode about the nomad life.

Nomad Life Books

Chris has six best-selling books including the number one book on nomad life, the number one book on hiking in Denver, the and the number one book on hiking adventures in the USA. You can get all of these books on Amazon or through their publishers. Don’t miss the nomad life bible and best-selling book, Two Carry-Ons and a Plan: Retiring Early as Full-time Nomads. And the follow up book about actually living as full-time travelers, The Nomad Life: Living as Full-Time Travelers.

Great Nomad Life books to help you get started. Click here to find them on Amazon.